Social Login enabled for quick signing or login

Aiswarya snehjith

Last Update 3 years ago

We have recently enabled the social login for quick signing or log in through social platforms including Facebook, Google, Instagram, Microsoft, Line, Reddit Etc. Customers who already signed through email or mobile number be able to sync the social platforms to the current account by moving to my account > choose to register using the social login you would like to sync with your account > then continue with your social account.

Note, while syncing your social account to your mcubes current account please make sure that both social & current and using the same email. Mismatching the mail will create a new account on mcubes.

Customers who don't have an account on mcubes and planning to create an account through the social account. Kindly update your email once your account is created. you will be able to update both your email & mobile number by moving to my account > account details > be able to see the account information & fill your email and click save changes.

You won't be able to sign in or log in to mcubes through your google account when using the mcubes android app. Google doesn't allow users to access an app. If you planned to do so please go with chrome or any other browser for signup through google. Once you added the email, will be able to access it through mcubes. Except for google all other social platforms are workable on mcubes app.

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